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Cheat for RUST


Quantum Private cheat for Rust: Your key to success in the game Are you playing Rust and want to gain an advantage over your rivals? The Quantum Private private cheat is exactly what you need! This powerful tool provides players with many features that will help them dominate the server and enjoy the game at a new level. Let's look at the main features of Quantum Private.

The main functions of Quantum Private: Anti-recoil: Forget about the uncomfortable recoil of the weapon. With anti-recoil, your sight will always be accurate, which will allow you to inflict maximum damage to enemies.

Silent Aimbot: This aimbot acts unnoticeably, helping you to aim accurately and hit opponents without obvious signs of using a cheat. VX on Players: With the Wallhack feature, you will be able to see enemies through walls and other obstacles. This will give you a significant advantage in any firefight.

Radar: Always know where your rivals are, thanks to the built-in radar. Get a complete understanding of the situation on the battlefield.

Flyhack: Fly around the map with incredible speed and reach inaccessible places. This feature will open up new opportunities for you to explore and tactical maneuvers.

Autopharm: Forget about the routine collection of resources. With the Quantum Private autopharm, your stocks will be replenished automatically, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

Spinbot: Confuse your enemies with a spinbot. This tool will make you a difficult target and increase your chances of survival in any skirmish.

Select the required subscription plan

Invite+1Month sub - 400$
1Month Extend - 150$
Buy for 400$ for Invite+1Month sub

When purchasing the product, you acknowledge your agreement to the terms of the user agreement and authorize the processing of your personal data.

Functionality and system requirements


  • Enable Aimbot, Enable pSilent, PSilentBone Selector, HitChance for pSilent, Smoothing, RecoilComp, Prediction, BoneOverride (Head), WeakspotOverride (Heli), DrawFov, Crosshair, Aim Key Selector, Aimbone Selector, FOV Slider, Smooth Slider, Distance Slider


  • Players, Chams, Team, Enemy, Scientist, Visibility Check, Sleepers, Wounded, Safezone, Corpse, Backpack, TargetMarket, Radar, Names, Healthbar, HealthValue, Skeleton, Box, HeldItem, TeamID, Hotbar, Clothing, ViewDirection, Distance Slider, Radar Cross Color, Radar Outline Color, Radar Circle/Square, Radar Zoom, Friend System, Enemy System

World ESP:

  • Animals, Bear, Stag, Wolf, Boar, Horse, Shark, Draw Distance, Radtown, Normal Crate, Military Crate, Elite Crate, Tool Crate, Adv Water Crate, Basic Water Crate, Medical Crate, Food Crate, Basic Crate, Oil Barrel, Blue Barrel, Draw Distance, Traps, Auto Turret, Shotgun Trap, Sam Site, Flame Trap, Snap Trap, Land Mine, Draw Distance

World ESP 2:

  • Ores, StoneOre, MetalOre, SulfurOre, Draw Distance, Collectables, Hemp, Candy, Stone, Metal, Sulfur, Corn, Mushroom, Pumpkin, Potato, Wood, Blackberry, Blueberry, Greenberry, Redberry, Whiteberry, Yellowberry, Disel, Draw Distance

World ESP 3:

  • World Items, Raids, Dropped Items, Dropped Weapons, Cupboard, Sleeping Bag, Hidden Stash, Stash, Supply Drop, Caves, WorkBenches, Cargo Ship, Locked Crate, RFBroadcaster, RFReceiver, Patrol Heli, Bradley, RHIB, Rowboat, Minicopter, ScrapHeli, Submarine, Draw Distance
  • Weapon Mods:
  • Guns, Recoil, Recoil X Slider, Recoil Y Slider, Full Auto, No Sway, No Spread, Projectile Speed Slider, Can Shoot, Weapon Spammer, No Bolt Cycle, Instant Eoka, Fast Fire, Unlock Angle, Aim In Mountable, Melee, NoMeleeSlowdown, 2xMeleeDistance, Bow, No Aimcone, Fast Bow, Instant Charge, No Movement Penatly

Movement Mods:

  • Movement Features, Admin Mode, Flyhack, Interactive Noclip, On Ladder, Omnisprint, Spiderman, InfJump, Walk On Water, Spinbot, Autorun, ViewOffsets, FakeLag, Increase Height, Instant Features, Instant Loot, Instant Revive, Instant Drink, Instant Heal, Removals, No Fall, No Slowdown, No Aimblock, No Blackout, No Collision


  • Sky Effects, Dayhack, Sky Changer, Ambient, Bright Stars, Removals, No Rain, No Fog, No Wind, No Water Blur, Automatic, Auto Farm Ore, Auto Farm Tree, Auto Melee, Auto Collect, Auto Clone, Auto Knock, Auto Lock Code, Auto Auth Code, Auto Upgrade, Auto Suicide, Auto Mass Suicide, Auto Open, Auto Free Crates, Misc, Rotate, FOV Changer


Quantum Private cheat for Rust: Your key to success in the game Are you playing Rust and want to gain an advantage over your rivals? The Quantum Private private cheat is exactly what you need! This powerful tool provides players with many features that will help them dominate the server and enjoy the game at a new level. Let's look at the main features of Quantum Private.

The main functions of Quantum Private: Anti-recoil: Forget about the uncomfortable recoil of the weapon. With anti-recoil, your sight will always be accurate, which will allow you to inflict maximum damage to enemies.

Silent Aimbot: This aimbot acts unnoticeably, helping you to aim accurately and hit opponents without obvious signs of using a cheat. VX on Players: With the Wallhack feature, you will be able to see enemies through walls and other obstacles. This will give you a significant advantage in any firefight.

Radar: Always know where your rivals are, thanks to the built-in radar. Get a complete understanding of the situation on the battlefield.

Flyhack: Fly around the map with incredible speed and reach inaccessible places. This feature will open up new opportunities for you to explore and tactical maneuvers.

Autopharm: Forget about the routine collection of resources. With the Quantum Private autopharm, your stocks will be replenished automatically, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

Spinbot: Confuse your enemies with a spinbot. This tool will make you a difficult target and increase your chances of survival in any skirmish.

Invite+1Month sub - 400$
1Month Extend - 150$
Buy for 400$ for Invite+1Month sub

When purchasing the product, you acknowledge your agreement to the terms of the user agreement and authorize the processing of your personal data.