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Cheat for WAR TUNDRA


The MH cheat for the WAR TUNDRA game is the perfect solution for those who want to achieve superiority on the battlefield. This tool offers powerful functionality that makes the gameplay easier and more efficient.

The functionality of the MH cheat: Aimbot: Automatic and precise targeting for error-free shots. Radar: A complete overview of the game map, allowing you to see enemies and allies in real time. Highlighting players and other elements: Visually highlighting opponents, allies, objects and important elements. This helps you make quick decisions in any game situations. The MH cheat helps to avoid unnecessary difficulties and focus on the strategic aspects of the game. It is ideal for both beginners and experienced players who want to improve their performance.

Advantages of using MH:

Improved overview of the map and game space. Increased shooting accuracy thanks to the aimbot. Easy identification of enemies and important objects using the backlight. Start using the MH cheat to play WAR TUNDRA and dominate every battle!

Select the required subscription plan

1 Day (All Functions) - 4$
1 Week (All Functions) - 14$
1 Month (All Functions) - 35$
Buy for 4$ for 1 Day (All Functions)

When purchasing the product, you acknowledge your agreement to the terms of the user agreement and authorize the processing of your personal data.

Functionality and system requirements



  • Enable AIMBOT
  • Set aimbot capture radius
  • Capture airplanes


  • ESP works when the opponents are in the light (the mechanics of the game is that the appearance of the model of enemy vehicles and its display on the client's screen is controlled by the server, which receives from the client data from the player's camera: coordinates, viewing angle, direction of view and so on. The server performs calculations, based on the results of which determines whether the player can see this or that model of equipment)

  • Display 2D box on the enemy

  • Display guns

  • Display player nicknames

  • Display enemy counter

  • Display missile sight

  • Display arcade scope

  • Display arrows on enemies

  • Display airplane indicator

  • Display distance in the scope

  • Display contour illumination

  • Display missile illumination

  • Display bomb illumination


  • Turn on the point of aim
  • Enable 3rd person view
  • Enable bomb sight
  • Change scope magnification


  • Enable radar

  • Set minimum zoom

  • Set maximum zoom

  • Enable shading in the scope

  • Set radar zoom


  • Set tank display color

  • Set display color for SAU

  • Set the display color of tanks

  • Set display color of anti-aircraft guns

  • Set display color of planes

  • Set display color of bombers

  • Set display color of attack planes

  • Set display color of helicopters

  • Set display color of everything else

  • Set the color of reproduction of the point of aim


  • Set radar position in the X axis

  • Set radar position on the Y axis

  • Set enemy counter position

  • Display debugging

  • Enable vertical synchronization

  • Set display font size

  • INFO

  • Information about the remaining time on the license key

  • Program version information


The MH cheat for the WAR TUNDRA game is the perfect solution for those who want to achieve superiority on the battlefield. This tool offers powerful functionality that makes the gameplay easier and more efficient.

The functionality of the MH cheat: Aimbot: Automatic and precise targeting for error-free shots. Radar: A complete overview of the game map, allowing you to see enemies and allies in real time. Highlighting players and other elements: Visually highlighting opponents, allies, objects and important elements. This helps you make quick decisions in any game situations. The MH cheat helps to avoid unnecessary difficulties and focus on the strategic aspects of the game. It is ideal for both beginners and experienced players who want to improve their performance.

Advantages of using MH:

Improved overview of the map and game space. Increased shooting accuracy thanks to the aimbot. Easy identification of enemies and important objects using the backlight. Start using the MH cheat to play WAR TUNDRA and dominate every battle!

1 Day (All Functions) - 4$
1 Week (All Functions) - 14$
1 Month (All Functions) - 35$
Buy for 4$ for 1 Day (All Functions)

When purchasing the product, you acknowledge your agreement to the terms of the user agreement and authorize the processing of your personal data.