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Cheat for Dark and Darker

Чит MASON Для Dark and Darker

The Mason cheat for Dark and Darker is a powerful tool that greatly simplifies the passage of complex dungeons and enhances your gaming advantage. With this cheat, you can effectively manage your resources, find important objects and defeat even the strongest enemies.

Key functions of the Mason cheat: Illumination of boxes and chests: Easily find hidden treasures and useful items. Highlight loot: See all available resources for quick collection. Portal illumination: Simplify orientation in the dungeons by quickly finding a way out. Aimbot: Accurate shooting to win battles. Switch to Combat Mode: Easily switch between modes for maximum efficiency. Highlight players and monsters: Get information about the location of enemies to stay one step ahead. With the Mason cheat, your journey through the dark dungeons of Dark and Darker will become more strategic, exciting and productive. Feel the complete dominance of the game, revealing all its secrets and winning!

Select the required subscription plan

1 Day - 2$
1 Week - 5$
1 Month - 11$
Buy for 2$ for 1 Day

When purchasing the product, you acknowledge your agreement to the terms of the user agreement and authorize the processing of your personal data.

Functionality and system requirements



  • Enable aimbot / Включить аимбот
  • Show FOV / Отображать радиус работы аимбота, круг FOV
  • Aimbot key / Установить клавишу для работы аимбота, выбранную клавишу необходимо зажимать и удерживать
  • Smooth / Установить плавность наведения аимбота


  • Battle mode / Переход в боевой режим, отключает лишние визуальные функции


  • ESP Box / Отображать 2D квадраты вокруг врагов
  • ESP Circle / Отображать круг вокруг врагов
  • ESP Shaplines / Отображать линии до врагов
  • ESP Type / Выбрать тип отображаемого ESP
  • ESP Distance / Отображать дистанцию до врагов
  • ESP Chests / Отображать сундуки
  • ESP Loot / Отображать важные предметы лута
  • ESP Portals / Отображать порталы
  • Max Distance / Установить максимальную дистанцию отображения
  • ESP Player / Установить цвет отображения игроков
  • ESP Monster / Установить цвет отображения монстров

Чит MASON Для Dark and Darker

The Mason cheat for Dark and Darker is a powerful tool that greatly simplifies the passage of complex dungeons and enhances your gaming advantage. With this cheat, you can effectively manage your resources, find important objects and defeat even the strongest enemies.

Key functions of the Mason cheat: Illumination of boxes and chests: Easily find hidden treasures and useful items. Highlight loot: See all available resources for quick collection. Portal illumination: Simplify orientation in the dungeons by quickly finding a way out. Aimbot: Accurate shooting to win battles. Switch to Combat Mode: Easily switch between modes for maximum efficiency. Highlight players and monsters: Get information about the location of enemies to stay one step ahead. With the Mason cheat, your journey through the dark dungeons of Dark and Darker will become more strategic, exciting and productive. Feel the complete dominance of the game, revealing all its secrets and winning!

1 Day - 2$
1 Week - 5$
1 Month - 11$
Buy for 2$ for 1 Day

When purchasing the product, you acknowledge your agreement to the terms of the user agreement and authorize the processing of your personal data.