Cheat for SCUM
We are selling private cheats for online games. Take advantage of online payment and start enjoying the game with cheat for Scum!
Select the required subscription plan
When purchasing the product, you acknowledge your agreement to the terms of the user agreement and authorize the processing of your personal data.
Functionality and system requirements
- Functions
- System requirements
- Players
- Only visible
- Draw zombie/sentry
- Name
- Category
- Item in hands
- Line
- Health
- Box 2D
- Distance
- Skeleton
- Size line skeleton
- Skeleton draw distance
- Backlight distance
- Drone
- Corpses
- Player
- Zombie
- Animals
- Corpses distance
- Animals
- Vehicle
- Enable radar/compass
- Backlight distance
- Position by X
- Position by Y
- Size
- Alpha
- Open loot list
- Weapon
- Equipment
- Chest
- Attachment
- Ammunition
- Medication
- Drink
- Food
- Clothes
- Explosive
- Other
- Selected
- Airdrops
- Weapon
- Equipment
- Chest
- Attachment
- Ammunition
- Medication
- Drink
- Food
- Clothes
- Explosive
- Unknown
- Weed out spoiled food/drink
- Rarity loot
- Quality loot
- Enable aimbot
- Do not aim at zombie
- Do not aim at friends
- Visibility check
- Aim priority
- Distance
- Crosshair
- Draw fov circle
- Control radius
- Draw fov circle
- Fov
- Distance
- Enable prediction
- Draw aim prediction
- Bones selection:
- Head
- Neck
- Left elbow
- Right elbow
- Body
- Pelvis
- Left knee
- Right knee
- Bone change time
- Key selection
- No recoil (Danger)
- No spread (Danger)
- Always day (Danger)
- Unlimited ammo (Danger)
- Unlimited weapon stamina drain (Danger)
- Draw wires for bomb defuse
- Draw picking locks point
- Automatic picking of locks (Danger)
- Key selection:
- Draw crosshair
- Crosshair color
- Speedhack (will be added soon)
We are selling private cheats for online games. Take advantage of online payment and start enjoying the game with cheat for Scum!
When purchasing the product, you acknowledge your agreement to the terms of the user agreement and authorize the processing of your personal data.